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Four Feet Supplies

Ultimate Sweet Itch Summer Collection

Ultimate Sweet Itch Summer Collection

Regular price €73,86 EUR
Regular price Sale price €73,86 EUR
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Our second new collection for the summer

⭐️Ultimate Sweet Itch Summer Collection ⭐️

This collection includes:

🍃AlvaTeaTree Shampoo
🍃 AlvaSweet Itch Controller
🍃AlvaMiracle cream

Why choose the products?

🌟AlvaTeaTree shampoo is carefully formulated to gently cleanse the coat, soothe and cool the skin whilst ensuring that you don’t develop the dreaded ‘scurf’. It’s medicated to avoid irritation. The tea tree oil smells lovely, acts as a deterrent to flies and leaves the coat smooth and beautifully clean.

🌟AlvaSweet Itch Controller contains essential oils to help sooth the itching and reduce suffering caused by midges, gnats and flies. So what’s in the bottle to make it effective?Alongside our unique conditioner, AlvaSweet contains pharmaceutical grade tea tree oil.Tea tree oil contains a number of compounds, including terpinen-4-ol, that have been shown to kill certain bacteria, viruses and fungi.Terpinen-4-ol also appears to increase the activity of your horse’s white blood cells, which help fight germs and other foreign invaders.These germ-fighting properties make tea tree oil a valued natural remedy for treating bacterial and fungal skin conditions, preventing infection and promoting healing.When the tea tree oil is combined with our other ingredients, AlvaSweet becomes an effective insect repellent but also promotes recovery from itchiness and healthier skin. The antiseptic properties treat minor injuries caused by horse flies by boosting white cells.

🌟AlvaMiracle Horse Cream is a powerful antibacterial cream is specially formulated to help sooth minor open wounds, cuts and sores. AlvaMiracle Cream calms insect bites and stings and its natural moisturizing properties help to rejuvenate and tone damaged skin.What's so special about AlvaMiracle Cream?For the love of the horse, AlvaHorse have gone to great lengths to choose, test and then select, only the highest quality ingredients. With the highest grade tea tree oil, AlvaMiracle has been proven time and time again to be excellent for minor open wounds, cuts and sores. AlvaMiracle has been found very beneficial in helping to ease the effects of sunburn, heat and nettle rash and helping to maintain healthy skin. AlvaMiracle Cream is very easy to apply and gives you the most effective results in the shortest period of time. The combination is great because the shampoo soothes the skin, reducing any irritation and leaves the coat clean. The AlvaSweet Itch Controller helps to deter midges and flies and the AlvaMiracle helps any wounds recover.

🌟AlvaFly is a high quality FEI legal fly repellent that offers great protection from flies and midges.

🍃AlvaTeaTree Shampoo 

A gentle and effective horse insect repellent that thoroughly washes the coat and soothes the skin and conditions as it cleans.This natural and effective horse shampoo contains Tea Tree Oil, which has natural antibacterial properties and has been used for centuries for cuts and grazes.This medicated shampoo is also an effective repellent for mites and many other infesting organisms.
You only need to use a small amount of this shampoo if you have previously washed your horse with AlvaShampoo.

This is the first step to a healthy, lustrous coat.

This effective all over body shampoo for horses is very strong for those stubborn stable stains yet mild on their skin


AlvaFly is a very effective fly and biting insect repellent and has the added bonus our moisturizing lotion.

When applied Horses and ponies gain real benefits against the painful bite of the dreaded horse fly.

For best results, AlvaFly should be liberally sponged or sprayed on to a clean coat, before putting the horse out.


For the love of the horse we go to great lengths to source and continually use only the very best ingredients for AlvaSweet

Applied regularly to the roots of the affected area, AlvaSweet can greatly improve the quality of life for itching horses.

This truly amazing product can be used on all breeds and colours to help soothe itching and reduce the suffering caused by midges, gnats and flies.

For an even happier horse, we recommend you use AlvaTeaTree Medicated Shampoo before the first application and at least once a month thereafter

For bad cases with Minor Open Wounds, Cuts & Sores use AlvaMiracle – Horse Cream

🍃AlvaMiracle Cream - 100g

AlvaMiracle Horse Cream is a powerful antibacterial cream is specially formulated to help sooth minor open wounds, cuts and sores. AlvaMiracle Cream calms insect bites and stings and its natural moisturizing properties help to rejuvenate and tone damaged skin.

What's so special about AlvaMiracle Cream?

For the love of the horse, AlvaHorse have gone to great lengths to choose, test and then select, only the highest quality ingredients. With the highest grade tea tree oil, AlvaMiracle has been proven time and time again to be excellent for minor open wounds, cuts and sores

✨Also available  1ltr bottles with 100g Miracle cream.


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